Tuesday, December 8, 2015

I saw this and felt the need to comment:


It's not very long, but in case you really don't want to wade through those four short paragraphs, it's an announcement that Seven Seas (the same people that licensed Monster Musume, among other things), has licensed Monstergirl Encyclopedia.

Lots of people are saying lots of things and I'm just another voice in the crowd, but this is a blog, and on a blog, people generally soapbox. So, taking into account my opinion isn't any more important than anyone else's:

It's probably not the end of the world. In fact, it's probably not a bad thing at all.

It's easy (and kind of fun) to doomsay and wail about DMCA's and bellow countless tales of normalfags taking over X hobby and now they're coming for monstergirls, but the truth of it is, we don't know much, and what we do know is at least a little bit positive. If you're an optimist, Seven Seas' licensing of MGE may actually be a great thing.

We know that, based on Seven Seas' past, they're probably not going to go around and try to take down all MGE content in order to secure their precious shekels. I personally haven't heard of them asking anyone to take anything down, nor have I noticed their licensing of MM interfering with fan translations at all. Yes, there have been some takedown requests leveled at Batoto, but according to Seven Seas, they had nothing to do with that.

Seven Seas has outright stated they will not pursue takedowns of any fanworks or alternate hostings of fan-generated content: http://ask.fm/SevenSeasEntertainment/answer/134324821138
While I would expect them to try and take down any digital copies of their own planned publishing of the hardcover Encyclopedia, I do not expect them to go after fan translations. They still may, this is simply my interpretation of their answer. That answer isn't political speak. It's stating, in no uncertain terms, that the licensing of MGE will not lead to their requesting takedowns of MGE content.

As for the content of the publication, Seven Seas has said it will be "uncensored". My gut tells me the truth of it is, "mostly uncensored". I find it hard to believe they won't censor or 'creatively translate' a lot of the stuff about the Sabbath and lolis. KC loves his lolis as much as America loves making laws about that kind of shit. To my knowledge, there are no federal laws against lolis, but I believe several states have laws against it.

Now, for the last, more nebulous concern: growing popularity and intersection of fandoms. It's impossible to say exactly what will happen to 'monstergirls' as a whole. It's possible that the publishing of MGE in a physical form with official translations will do... absolutely nothing. Monstergirl 'awareness' (god that sounds painful to say) may increase a little, but MGE is mostly aimed at people who are already fans of monstergirls. It's not really a pandering product. Then again, if the right sjw gets their hands on it, it could gain a LOT of attention. The wrong kind of attention. Of course, seeing as it's from Japan, a lot of people will redirect their ire at Japan or KC directly, or perhaps wave it off as another Japanese thing. Who knows.

As far as dilution of fans: yes, there will almost certainly be at least 1 more person who takes part in monstergirl stuff (media, discussion, etc) due to this publication. And of the people that do this, it's more likely than not that a fair portion of them will be normalfags. But normies don't go to infinitychan, and they tend to not last long in /jp/. They don't read or write smut about fucking monstergirls. Normies aren't going to flood the places you go (any more than they already do).

Personally, I think it's a bit more of a good thing than it is a bad thing. But whatever, I'm just one guy.

Time to go back to writing about humans fucking monstergirls.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Considering it's been about a month, it's time for me to post an update on things.

Currently, I am still working on my primary project. I'm a little more than 15,000 words in, which means another 10,000 and I'll take a break to work on something else. That 10,000 will probably be done with in another 2-3 weeks, depending on how much time Christmas takes away from my writing.

I know I've had a while to think of what I'll do next, but I still don't know for sure. Ideas come and go, things crop up and disappear and my mind wavers from one thing to another.
-I'm still considering commissioning scans of a couple doujins then working on translating those.
-I really want to get Not the Fall finished. It's got maybe 2 chapters left.
-Multi-armed apophis trade might still happen. Unsure.
-Still really want to write Cheshire but I have a feeling any project with Cheshire will take a back seat to other things.
-Still want to write more manticore. I'm a bit more certain this will happen, it's just about when. I might do it first thing when I'm done with my primary project, I might put it off until after translations and Not the Fall. Dunno.

In other news, I have commissioned two different artists for two difference scenes from my stories. You'll know which ones when I post the art here.

Also, I added the name of my most recent translation. It's been done for a while, I just forgot to post the name of it on the sidebar.