Friday, March 6, 2015

It's finally that time. Passion and Lust 5 has been approved on Literotica. My other story was approved a few days before that. Here are the links:

Passion and Lust:


I realize the ending of P&L may be a bit sudden, but the truth is I had planned it to be about twice as long, which the second half being mostly Lust & Allen as they tried to rescue Val from the clutches of a 3rd party (another spirit) but when I got to chapter 5 I realized I didn't have it in me to write all that out. So yes, the ending comes a little quick.

However, I have something I hope will make up for it. Since I took so damn long to get that last chapter of P&L out (chapter 4 was posted last Feburary), I figured it'd be nice to add a little something else. So I commissioned two pictures of Val showing Allen a good time. (by EUDETENIS) - So this picture I want to add a bit of a disclaimer to: it's not really how I see Val. Val's got darker skin and she's not so scawny. However, I can't really blame the artist for this, she drew exactly what I told her to draw. I've never commissioned anything before, so I didn't realize exactly how specific you have to be. Also, to her benefit, she actually drew a more realistic stature for a taller woman than I had pictured in my head. In addition to all that, I will say that the woman looks a LOT like how I pictured Lust. Exchange those extra arms for succubus wings and make her hair dirty blonde, and you've pretty much got Lust. (by Magnifire) - Magnifire had an advantage with drawing this because he was able to use Eudetenis' picture as a reference. I was able to be more specific and told him all the differences from the reference I wanted to see and he delivered quite well. (Alternate - didn't go with this one since it made Allen's dick look freakishly long, but I still kinda like how it looks)

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