Considering it's been about a month, it's time for me to post an update on things.
Currently, I am still working on my primary project. I'm a little more than 15,000 words in, which means another 10,000 and I'll take a break to work on something else. That 10,000 will probably be done with in another 2-3 weeks, depending on how much time Christmas takes away from my writing.
I know I've had a while to think of what I'll do next, but I still don't know for sure. Ideas come and go, things crop up and disappear and my mind wavers from one thing to another.
-I'm still considering commissioning scans of a couple doujins then working on translating those.
-I really want to get Not the Fall finished. It's got maybe 2 chapters left.
-Multi-armed apophis trade might still happen. Unsure.
-Still really want to write Cheshire but I have a feeling any project with Cheshire will take a back seat to other things.
-Still want to write more manticore. I'm a bit more certain this will happen, it's just about when. I might do it first thing when I'm done with my primary project, I might put it off until after translations and Not the Fall. Dunno.
In other news, I have commissioned two different artists for two difference scenes from my stories. You'll know which ones when I post the art here.
Also, I added the name of my most recent translation. It's been done for a while, I just forgot to post the name of it on the sidebar.
the apophis story idea is a good one yes you should do that right away